Aggressive Technology Engagement
I've had several discussions lately with clients and potential customers where the question has come up, "How do we find the best strategy for transitioning our product the market?" This is not a simple question and does not have a pat answer that works in all situations. If I could give one point of advice, it would be "You have to actively look." Advanced technology is not the same as just putting out a product and they will come buy it. In most cases I've found that you are not just selling the product but also the idea of what the new capabilities can do. Who would sell a computer that couldn't print, had no keyboard and didn't even have a USB port to plug in a flash drive? APPLE the iPad 1. As I work through technology development I continually look at it as a capability not just as a technical component. You may need another critical component to fill out the customer's expectations. Actively look for that component.