Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Where do you get the technology?

I've had people ask me for years "How did you come up with this new technology?". The most frequent answer is that I looked for it. I'm always amazed as people who complain about the success of others but don't see the need to put in the effort to learn how to do those searches themselves. There is a great art in asking the right question. Many times I don't really want to do what a customer asks, but provide them with alternatives. When you don't know the way, climb a tree. In the advance technology development world frequently that is simply take a look around and open your mind to how others have solved similar problems in other disciplines. Moving imagery for a UAV looks allot like moving MRIs in the medical field. Solving a power problem in the military looks allot like solving a power problem in the civilian world. Who would have thought that a millimeter wave radar would end up with TSA at the airport?


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